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Tarinof dance company

©︎Koji Iida.jpg

 2人は共に幼少期からクラシックバレエとコンテンポラリーダンスを学び、長谷川はローザンヌ国際バレエコンクールに出場。坂田は玉川大学文学部藝術学科芸術表現コース在学中、イギリスのロンドンのLABAN CENTER(Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance)ISPプログラムにて振付と舞踊を専攻。それぞれ数々の全国舞踊コンクールで第一位、特別賞受賞多数。 

 2012年、共同創作一作目となる『amulet』が東京新聞全国舞踊コンクール創作部門第一位 文部科学大臣賞を受賞。その後、2013年文化庁新進芸術家海外研修員制度にてフランス・パリで2年7ヶ月活動。パリコンセルバトワール.スーペリエとスタジオハーモニックのコンテンポラリーダンス講師で振付家の、ナタリー・ピュブリエに師事。パリにて同氏の公演に参加し、同プログラムでナタリー・ピュブリエ初来日公演と特別ワークショップ(東京、大阪)を企画。また、2014年にフランス人振付家、映像クリエイター、作曲家と共に、リアルタイム映像と音とコンテンポラリーダンスのコラボレーション企画 SURU を立ち上げ、南仏ニースとアンティーブ、ディーニュレバンにてレジデンスと公演を行った。帰国後は東京を拠点に、国内外で継続して作品を発表し、国内外ダンスフェスティバルへの参加、振付提供、指導、全国各地ワークショップ、ミュージカルや現代オペラ振付、資生堂ヘアショー、国際交流企画実施、他の振付家の作品にダンサーとして出演など、国やジャンルを超えた多彩な活動を展開。2023年には中之条ビエンナーレへの参加を予定している。 
 2019年より現在まで、湘南バレエコンペティションコンテンポラリー部門特別アドバイザー、課題曲振付を担当。ダンス&芸能専門学院TOKYO STEPS ARTS コンテンポラリーダンス講師。洗足音楽大学非常勤講師。G-screw Dance Labo 講師。 2022年TARINOF株式会社設立、坂田守は代表取締役社長 長谷川まいこは副社長に就任。

A contemporary dance company presided by dancers and choreographers, Maiko Hasegawa and Mamoru Sakata. The present members are Mikuri Amari, Nanako Iwase, Rion Onaya, Kaho Kawano, Kohtaro Sengoku, and Kyoko Watabe. Since the foundation in 2013, the Company has given the performance of a new work every year. Through the unique embodiment of Hasegawa and Sakata and the delicate and powerful works, they multidirectionally express the discomfort lurking in modern society and daily life. 
Maiko Hasegawa and Mamoru Sakata learned classical ballet and contemporary dance from childhood. Hasegawa took part in Lausanne International Ballet Concours. Mamoru Sakata majored in choreography and dance in the Art Department of Tamagawa University and under the ISP Program of Laban Center (Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance), London, U.K. They won the first prizes and special awards in many dance contests in Japan. 
In 2012, “Amulet”, the first collaboration work of Hasegawa and Sakata won the first place, Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Prize in the choreography creation section of National Dance Contest (Tokyo, April, 2012). From 2013, they stayed in Paris for 2 year and seven months under the Program of Overseas Study for Upcoming Artists of Agency for Cultural Affairs of Japan. In Paris, they studied under Nathalie Pubellier, a choreographer and a teacher of contemporary dance at the Conservatoire National Superier and at the Studio Harmonic. They took part in the work of Pubellier during the stay in Paris, and planned her first performance in Japan with the same program and also held her special workshop in Tokyo and Osaka, Japan. In 2014, Hasegawa and Sakata launched SURU, a collaborative project of real-time image, music, and contemporary dance, cooperating with a choreographer, an image creator, and a composer, all from France, and this team had residences and performances in Nice, Antibes, and Digne-les-Bains in Southern France. After returning to Japan, based in Tokyo, they continued to present new works on domestic and overseas stages, and developed a variety of activities across countries and genres including participation in domestic and international dance festivals, dance teaching, choreography in workshops, musical, and modern operas, choreography and appearance in Shiseido Hair Show, planning and execution of international exchange, appearance as dancers in the works of other choreographers. In 2023, they are planning to participate in Nakanojo Biennale. 
From 2019 to present, they are serving as special advisers and juries for the category of contemporary dance in Shonan Ballet Competition. They are lecturers of the intermediate contemporary dance class of TOKYO STEPS ARTS, part-time lecturers of the ballet and dance course of Senzoku Gakuen College of Music, and lecturers of G-Screw Dance Lab. In 2022, they founded a stock company (TARINOF Co. Ltd.), and Mamoru Sakata has been inducted into the president, Maiko Hasegawa into the vice president.


​出演者 / Dancer

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